• Professor
    Director of Research Center for Artificial Intelligence in Investment and Asset Management
  • Lai, Christine W
  • Discipline: Portfolio Analysis and Personal Financial Planning, Personal Finance
  • E-mail:cwlai@ntnu.edu.tw
  • Tel:+886-2-7749-3304
  • Education: PhD, Consumer Economics, Ohio State University
  1. 訪問教授 (Visiting Professor, 11/2020-03/2021), 日本九州大學商學院 (QBS), Kyushu University, Japan (授課Lecture)
  2. 科技部補助訪問學者(Visiting Scholar, J-1 Program, 07/2017-02/2018)-美國西雅圖華盛頓大學商學院 (University of Washington, Seattle), Foster School of Business, USA
  3. (科技部移地研究) 訪問學者(Visiting Scholar, J-1 Program, 10/2023-3/2024)- 美國普渡大學統計學系 (Purdue University, Department of Statistics, USA)
  4. Chou, De-Wai, Christine W. Lai*, Jiun-Yu Tsai and Chia-Jay Tsai (7/2023), How to grow the second curve amid changes in industry structure? Harvard Business Review Complex Chinese Edition Web site (https://www.hbrtaiwan.com/....../the-second-curve-career) (* corresponding author) [ "產業結構改變下,如何成長出第二曲線",哈佛商業評論(臺灣),7/2023)]
  5. Hong-Yi Chen, Hsuan-Chi Chen, Christine W. Lai and Pei-Ling Yang, 2023, Investor Attention, Fee Structure, and Newly Issued Funds, Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies Vol. 26, No. 2 (2023). [SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.32 ( Scopus)]
  6. 2023 TFA FuBon Best Paper Award (臺灣財務金融學會年會『富邦論文獎』) Title: Are AI Exchange-Traded Funds Actually More Intelligent? 2023
  7. 指導論文獲「2022 崇越論文大賞」-企業管理組, 佳作論文獎, 題目: 新零售, 盈餘操縱之探討, 指導學生: EMBA 學生 劉桓毅, 2022.
  8. Chen, Hong-Yi, Hsuan-Chi Chen, and Christine W. Lai, 2021, Internet Search, Fund Flows, and Fund Performance, Journal of Banking & Finance 129, 106-166. [SSCI, 科技部一般財務領域 A級-Tier 1 期刊, Top 4.69 % in Finance]
  9. Lin Lin, Pi-Hsia Hung, De-WaiChou, and Christine W. Lai, 2019, Financial Performance and Corporate Social Responsibility: Empirical Evidence from Taiwan, accepted for publication by Asia Pacific Management Review 24(1), 61-71. [Corresponding Author, SJR (Scopus) Top 25%, FWCI=2.52]
  10. Chia-Ying Chan and Christine W. Lai *, 2017, Strategic Choice of Risk: Evidence from Mutual Fund Families, Journal of Financial Service Research 51, 125–163. (Corresponding Author, SSCI, NSC Finance, A-Tier 2 Top 20%)
  11. Chia-Ying Chan, Hsuan-Chi Chen, Yu Hsuan Chiang, Christine W. Lai*, 2017, Fund Selection in Target Date Funds, The North American Journal of Economics and Finance 39, 197-209. [Corresponding Author, SSCI, SJR=Top 50%]
  12. Chan, Chia-Ying, David Chou*, and Christine W. Lai, 2016, Does the Stock Market Favor Socially Responsible Firms? Evidence from SEOs, Taiwan Economic Review 44, 339-377 .(TSSCI)
  13. Chen, Hsuan-Chi, Christine W. Lai, and Sheng-Ching Wu*, 2016, Mutual Fund Selection and Performance Persistence in 401(k) Plans, The North American Journal of Economics and Finance 35, 78-100. (SSCI)
  14. Lai, Christine W.* , 2016, Independent Directors and Favoritism: When Multiple Board Affiliations Prevail in Mutual Fund Families, Financial Management 49 (3), 529-582. [SSCI, Single Author, 科技部一般財務領域 A級-Tier 1 期刊; 2016「第十屆證券暨期貨金椽獎」學術論文組佳作]
  15. Chou, De-Wai , Pei-Ching Huang, and Christine W. Lai*, 2016, New Mutual Fund Managers: Why Do They Alter Portfolios? Journal of Business Research 69, 2167-2175. [SSCI (5-Year Impact Factor: 2.67), Corresponding Author, 科技部管理領域推薦期刊; 2016「第十屆證券暨期貨金椽獎」小論文組甲等獎]
  16. Shing-yang Hu, Yueh-Hsiang Lin*, and Christine W. Lai, 2016, The Effect of Overvaluation on Investment and Accruals: The Role of Information, Journal of Empirical Finance 38, 181-201. [SSCI, 科技部一般財務領域 A級-Tier 1 期刊]
  17. Chen, Hsuan-Chi, Christine W. Lai, and Sheng-Ching Wu, 2016, Plan-Level and Firm-Level Attributes and Employees’ Contributions to 401(k) Plans, International Journal of Business and Economics, 15 (1), 17-33.
  18. Chow, Victor and Christine W. Lai*, 2015, Conditional Shape Ratios, Finance Research Letter 12, 117-133. [SSCI, Corresponding Author]
  19. Lai, Christine W. snd Bi-Rong Wu, 2014, The Effect of Marketing and Distribution Expense on Mutual Fund Flows: In the Presence of Investors with Different Degrees of Sensitivity to Performance,NTU Management Review 24(2),309-340. (TSSCI)
  20. Chen, Hsuan-Chi, De-Wai Chou*, Christine W. Lai, and Yi-Ting Yeh, 2014, The Role of Lending-Relationship Banks in the Underwriting of Seasoned Equity Offerings: Conflict of Interest or Certification, The North American Journal of Economics and Finance 28, 327-346. (SSCI)
  21. Best Paper in Investments (2013), Southwestern Finance Association (SWFA), Paper Titile: Insitituional Trading Behavior in the ETF Market, coauthor with E. Morales-Camargo, HC Chen et al., 2013. (美國SWFA最佳論文獎-投資)
  22. 指導論文獲「2013 崇越論文大賞」優等論文獎-財管組, 題目: 投資人關注程度 與基金費用結構對新發行共同基金存活之影響:以Google Trend 來看, 指導學生: 楊佩陵, 2013.
  23. 指導論文獲「2011 崇越論文大賞」最優論文獎-財管組, 題目: 組合型基金結構 下之基金績效與外部性研究:以生命週期基金為例, 指導學生: 江育萱, 2011.
  24. Chen, Hsuan-Chi and Christine W. Lai*, 2010, Reputation Stretching in Mutual Fund Starts, Journal of Banking & Finance 34 (1), 193-207. [Corresponding Author, SSCI, 科技部一般財務領域 A級-Tier 1 期刊, Top 10% in Finance]
  25. Lai, Christine W. and Jing Xiao, 2010, Consumer Biases and Competences in Company Stock Holdings, Journal of Consumer Affairs 44 (1), 179-212. [SSCI Impact Factor: 2.175, ISI Journal Citation Reports® Ranking 2009: 21/87 Business, Top 25%]
  26. Lai, Christine W. and Tsung-Chyan Lai, 2009, Analyzing the c-minus-Age Strategy for Life-Cycle Investing, Applied Economics Letters 16, 711-718.
  27. 何仁凱, 賴慧文, 2009, 機構投資人在指數股票型基金市場之行為探討, 白文正ETF金文獎得獎論文集.
  28. *Lai, Christine W., 2008, How Retired Households and Households Approaching Retirement Handle Their Equity Investments in the United States, Journal of Family and Economic Issues 29, 601-622.