• Professor
  • Mei Hsu
  • Discipline: Economics, Econometric Analysis e-Mail: mhsu@ntnu.edu.tw
  • E-mail:mhsu@ntnu.edu.tw
  • Tel:+886-2-7749-3238
  • Education: Ph.D. in Economics , Duke University
  1. Chen, Been-Lon, Mei Hsu, Chih-Fang Lai, "Optimal Education and Pension Policy in a Growth Model ," Taiwan Economic Review, 2023. (TSSCI, Scopus, Econlit, ProQuest, EBSCO 等級期刊 )
  2. 徐美. (2021). 臺灣高等教育擴張政策實施對大學及以上學歷與過度教育工作者薪資之影響. 臺灣經濟預測與政策, 51(2), 1-48. (TSSCI)
  3. 徐美, & 陳明郎. (2019). 台灣親子教育跨代移轉機制之研究. 經濟論文叢刊, 47(2), 217-272. (TSSCI , Scopus)
  4. Haepp, T., & Hsu, M. (2019). Educational inequalities between children of marriage migrants and those of local-born parents–quantile regression results from Taiwan. Applied Economics, 51(5), 465-487.
  5. Chen, Been-Lon, Mei Hsu and Yu-Shan Hsu (2018), "Progressive Taxation and Macroeconomic Stability in Two‐sector Models with Social Constant Returns," Journal of Economics, 125, 51-68
  6. Chen, B. L., Hsu, M., & Lai, C. F. (2015). Relative Effects of Labour Taxes and Unemployment Benefits on Hours Worked Per Worker and Employment. Pacific Economic Review, 20(2), 282-309.
  7. 徐美, & 陳明郎. (2011). 臺灣不同族群薪資差異的世代變遷. 臺灣經濟預測與政策, 42(1), 39-74. (TSSCI)
  8. 徐美, & 陳明郎. (2010). 縮短工時對產業勞動生產力變動之影響—分量迴歸模型之應用. 經濟論文叢刊, 38(4), 523-559. (TSSCI , Scopus)
  9. Chen, B. L., Hsu, M., & Hsu, Y. S. (2010). A one-sector growth model with consumption standard: Indeterminate or determinate?. The Japanese Economic Review, 61(1), 85-96.
  10. Lin, C. Y., & Hsu, M. (2007). Evaluating Taiwan's public service employment programme. <The labour market and economic development of Taiwan>, 300-321. (SSCI)
  11. 徐美 、陳明郎、方俊德 (2006), 台灣產業結構變遷對男女薪資溢酬和歧視變動之影響 《 經濟論文 》, 34(4) 505-539.
  12. Chang, J. J., Chen, B. L., & Hsu, M. (2006). Agricultural productivity and economic growth: Role of tax revenues and infrastructures. Southern Economic Journal, 72(4), 891-914.
  13. Chen, Been Lon, and Mei Hsu (2001), “Coordinating Coordination Failure and “Coordinating Coordination Failure and Catchup: Experience of Manmade Fibre in Taiwan”, in Peter Chow ed. Taiwan in Global Economy: From an Agrarian Economy to an Exporter of High Tech Products , 39 75, New York: Greenwood Press.
  14. Chen, B. L., & Hsu, M. (2001). Time‐Series Wage Differential in Taiwan: The Role of International Trade. Review of Development Economics, 5(2), 336-354.
  15. Hsu, M., & Chen, B. L. (2000). Labor productivity of small and large manufacturing firms: the case of Taiwan. Contemporary economic policy, 18(3), 270-283. (行政院國科會 8 9 學年度甲種研究獎助)
  16. 徐美(2000)"移民英語流利能力決定因素及其變動之分析:1980及1990兩普查年度女性移民之比較," 台灣經濟論文集。
  17. Chen, Been-Lon, Mei Hsu and Ko-Yung Shih, (1999) “Growth and Catch-Up in a Cross Section of Local Manufacturing Industries,“ (1999). <The Political Economy of Taiwan’s Development into the 21st Century: Essays in Memory of John CH Fei >, Vol. 2, 51-77. edited by Gustav Ranis, Hu, S. C., & Chu, Y. P., Edward Elgar Publishing.
  18. Chen, B. L., Hsu, M., & Chen, J. Y. (1999). Technology Adoption and Technical Efficiency in Taiwan: Foreign Investment Led versus Export Performance Promoted. Economic Efficiency and Productivity Growth in the Asia-Pacific Region, edited by T.-T. Fu, CJ Huang, and CAK Lovell. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 215-36.
  19. Hsu, M. (1998). "Determinants of the Marital Dissolution and Female Labor Supply," Journal of Population Studies, 19, 143-160. (TSSCI)
  20. 徐美、陳明郎、吳孟道(1997),"外籍勞工與國內生產要素間替代互補關係之探討-台灣製造業為例,"<台灣經濟學會論文集>,65-91。(TSSCI)