- 企業管理學系
助理教授 - 洪秀瑜
- 專長:消費者體驗、消費者旅程、動態關係管理、大數據與文字探勘 、 大數據與人工智慧在行銷策略的運用
- E-mail:shirlyhung@ntnu.edu.tw
- 電話:02-7749-5057
1. Hsiu-Yu Hung (通訊作者), Nick Lee, Yansong Hu (2023, accepted) Unlocking Service Provider Excellence: Expanding the Touchpoints, Context, Qualities Framework, Journal of Service Research
(SSCI, Impact Factpr:13.9, SJR Ranking: 4.981, JCR: Q1期刊, AJG: 4 Star), Online access: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/10946705231218406
2. Hsiu-Yu Hung (通訊作者), Yansong Hu, Nick Lee, Hsien-Tung Tsai (2024). Exploring online consumer review-management response dynamics: A heuristic-systematic perspective, Decision Support Systems, 177 (2024) ,114087
(SSCI , Impact Factpr:7.5, SJR Ranking: 2.076, JCR: Q1期刊), Online Access https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dss.2023.114087
3. Shao, Y., Lin, C.-C., Hung, H.-Y., & Deng, H. (2022). Integrating the Feedback of Training Deficiencies to the Knowledge Map Construction of Corporate Training Needs. International Journal of Adult Education and Technology, 13, 1-14.
4. Hung, H. Y. (通訊作者), & Lu, H. T. (2018). The rosy side and the blue side of emotional brand attachment. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 17(3), 302-312.
(SSCI, Impact factor:4.4)
5. Hsiu-Yu Hung (通訊作者) and Hsien-Tung Tsai (2016), “A Dual Pathway Model of Consumer Loyalty in Brand Community Settings: Intrinsic Need Fulfillment and Extrinsic Cost Perception”,
管理學報 33(4), 531-557
6. Hsiu-Yu Hung (通訊作者) and Ting-Ling Lin (2015), “A Moderated Mediation Model of Consumers’ Role Behaviors in Brand Communities”, Asia Pacific Management Review, 20, 191-200
(TSSCI; Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), Impact Factor 5.5)
7. Hsiu-Yu Hung (通訊作者) (2014), “Attachment, Identification, and Loyalty: Examining Mediating Mechanisms across Brand and Brand Community Contexts”, Journal of Brand Management, 21(7/8), 594-614
(SSCI; Impact Factor 4.7)
1. Hsiu-Yu Hung (2023), “Managing Service Providers’ Experience Performances: An Extended Perspective of The Touchpoints, Context, Qualities (TCQ) Nomenclature,” 2023 AMA Summer Academic Conference (AMA Summer Academic Conference Proceedings. 2023, Vol. 34, p308-311) (August 4-6, 2023 in San Fransisco, CA, USA) (Published in the form of an extended abstract)
2. Hsiu-Yu Hung, Yung-Cheng Shen, and Chih-Cheng Lin (2022), “Reconsidering the Customer Experience for Users in the Metaverse”, 2022 AMA Summer Academic Conference (AMA Summer Academic Conference Proceedings. 2022, Vol. 33, p465-467) (August 9, 2022, Virtual | August 12-14, 2022 in Chicago, IL, USA) (Published in the form of an extended abstract)
3. Hsiu-Yu Hung (2022), “Online Managerial Response Strategies Toward Customer Reviews: The Elaboration Likelihood Model, Emotion Contagion and Emotional Regulation Perspectives" The 44th Annual ISMS Marketing Science Conference. (June 16-18, 2022, hosted by Chicago Booth, the University of Chicago Business School) (Published in the form of an extended abstract)
4. Hsiu-Yu Hung, Nick Lee, Yansong Hu (2020), “Customer Experience Dynamics: Building a Hidden Markov Model using Repeat Customers' Verbatim Textual Review”, 2020 AMA Winter Academic Conference and Won the Best Paper in track of the Customer Engagement and CRM theme. (February 14-16, 2020 in San Diego, CA, USA). (Published in the form of an extended abstract)
5. Hsiu-Yu Hung, Yansong Hu, Nick Lee (2019), “Capturing the Dynamics of Consumer Trust Evolution Using a Hidden Markov Model”, 2019 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference (Published) (June 20-22, 2019 in Rome, Italy) (Published in the form of an extended abstract)
6. Hsiu-Yu, Hung, Hsien-Tung, Tsai and Pei-Yu, Pai (2016), Dancing with Consumers’ Value Co-Creation on a Resource-Integration Platform: A Stage Setting of Service-Dominant Logic in a Green Service Ecosystem," 2016 Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference, AMA 2016 Summer Marketing Educator’s Conference (Published) , Atlanta, GA, USA.
7. Hsiu-Yu, Hung and Hsien-Tung, Tsai (2014), “A Dual Pathway Model of Brand Community Loyalty: Extending and Broadening Deci and Ryan’s Self-Determination Theory”, AMA 2014 Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference (Published), Orlando, FL,USA
1. 2024/8/1-2025/7/31 Charting the Dual-Perspective in the Trajectory of Effectiveness of Service Failure Recovery and the Development of a Research Results Driven APP (國科會計畫; Principle Investigator)
2. 2023/8/1-2024/7/31 All You Need Is Your Imagination: Mid-Journey of Human-AI
Collaborative Creativity (國科會研究計畫; Principle Investigator)
3. 2022/8/1-2023/7/31 Reconsidering the Customer Experience and Journey for Users and
Their Avatars in Metaverse Settings (國科會研究計畫; Principle Investigator)
4. 2021/5/1~2022/9/30 The Dynamic Effectiveness of Consumer Trust Management (國科會研究計畫; Principle Investigator)