- 高階經理人企業管理碩士在職專班(EMBA)
教授兼國際商管學院促進協會AACSB認證工作小組執行長兼管理學院副院長 - 林舒柔
- 專長:策略管理
- E-mail:lin.sj@ntnu.edu.tw
- 電話:02-7749-3306
- 學歷:國立臺灣大學 管理學院國際企業研究所 博士
策略管理:目前的研究主題包括:企業創業投資策略、高科技廠商因應動態環境之策略、風險下(含技術風險)的決策過程、風險管理、組織學習及策略議題人基模擬(agent-based simulation)。
Miller, K. D., & Lin*, S-J. (2022) Strategic issue diagnosis by top management teams: a multiple-agent model Strategic Organization (SSCI; Impact Factor = 3.413 in 2021; ranking = 30/427 in strategy abd management) Strategic Organization是為科技部管理一學門推薦期刊
Lin, S-J, Lin*, H-E., & McDonough III, E. F. (2016) Knowledge acquisition in production networks: Effective strategies for system integrators and component specialists. Management and Organization Review, 12(4): 659-686. (SSCI; Impact Factor = 1.71 in 2016; ranking = 98/194 in management)
(SSCI; Impact Factor = 2.738 in 2015; ranking = 33/192 in management)
Miller, K. D., & Lin*, S-J. (2015) Analogical reasoning for diagnosing strategic issues in dynamic and complex environments. Strategic Management Journal, 36(13): 2000-2020. (SSCI; Impact Factor = 3.38 in 2015; ranking = 15/120 in business; 21/192 in management) Strategic Management Journal是為科技部管理一學門所認定的一級期刊。(Financial Times Top 50 Journals)
Lin, S-J*. Jen, K-A, & Kao, J-T. (2011) Colleague interactions and new drug prescribing behavior: The case of the initial prescription of antidepressants in Taiwanese medical centers. Social Science and Medicine, 73, 1208-1213. (SSCI, IF=2.699 in 2011; ranking = 35/158 in Public, environmental & occupational health)
Lin, H-E., McDonough III*, E. F., Lin, S-J, & Lin, Y-Y. (2013) Managing the exploitation / exploration paradox: The role of a learning capability and innovation ambidexterity. Journal of Product Innovation Management , 30(2): 262-278. (SSCI, IF=2.109 in 2011; ranking = 26/103 in Business)
Lin, S-J*. & Lee, J-R., (2011) Configuring Corporate Venturing Portfolio for Creating Growth Value. Journal of Business Venturing, 26(4):489-503 (SSCI; Impact Factor = 3.062 in 2011; ranking = 13/113 in Business) (Financial Times Top 50 Journals)
Miller*, K. D., & Lin, S-J. (2010) Different truths in different worlds. Organization Science, 21(1): 97–114. (SSCI; Impact Factor = 3.8 in 2010; ranking = 11/140 in Management)
Miller*, K. D., Fabian, F., & Lin, S-J. (2009) Strategies for online communities. Strategic Management Journal, 30(3): 305–322. (SSCI; Impact Factor = 3.46 in 2009; ranking = 4/112 in management) (Financial Times Top 50 Journals)
林舒柔*、湯明哲 (2007) “企業創業投資中的承諾續擴:認知偏誤觀點” 台大管理論叢 18卷1期 55- 80 (TSSCI)
Miller, K. D., & Lin, S-J. “Uncertainty Absorption in Strategic Sensemaking” Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, Virtual Meeting, 2020.
Miller, K. D., & Lin, S-J. “Strategic issue diagnosis by top management teams: A multi-agent model” Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, 2018.
Miller, K. D., & Lin, S-J. “Strategic issue diagnosis as a rationale for top management teams” The 10th Asia Academy of Management Conference, and The 10th Taiwan Academy of Management Conference, Fukuoka, Japan, 2017.
Lin, S.-J. “Equity-based incentives and corporate venturing” Strategic Management Society 36th annual international conference, Berlin, Germany, 2016.
Lin, S.-J. “Board experiences and growth value of corporate venturing” Strategic Management Society 34th annual international conference, Madrid, Spain, 2014.
Lin, S.-J., & Chen, Y.-C. “Industry experiences of a board and growth value created through corporate venturing” Academy of International Business, Vancouver, Canada, 2014.
Chen, Y.-C., & Lin, S-J. “Top management team experiences and the growth value of corporate venturing” Academy of International Business, Istanbul, Turkey, 2013.
Miller*, K. D., & Lin, S-J. “Analogical reasoning in complex and dynamic environments” Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, 2012.
Lin*, S.-J., Lin, H-E., & McDonough III, E. F., “A Firm’s Role in production Networks and its Knowledge Strategies” Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, 2012.
Lin, S.-J. & Lin, J. W. “Information disclosure of corporate venturing programs" Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Saint Antonio, Texas, 2011.
Broitman, E. & Lin, S.-J. “Concern for the Earth or Concern for the Wealth: Reasons and Motives for Firms' Adoption of Environmental Management Systems” Academy of International Business, Nagoya, 2011.
Lin, S.-J., Jen, K-A., & Kao, J-T. “Social Factors that Influence New Drug Prescribing Behavior: The Case of the Initial Prescription of Duloxetine Hydrochloride” 2010全球變局下之管理創新國際研討會,台北市。
Lin, S.-J. “Revealment or concealment: A study on voluntary disclosure of corporate venturing programs" Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, 2009.
Miller, K. D., Fabian, F., & Lin, S.-J. “Strategies for online communities.” Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Anaheim, 2008.
Lin, S.-J. & Lee, J.-R., “Configuring Corporate Venturing Portfolio for Creating Growth Options Value” Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, 2007.
Miller, K. D. & Lin, S.-J. , “Different Truths in Different Worlds” Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, 2007. (獲選為Organization and Management Theory Division最佳論文之一)
Lin, S.-J. & Lee, J.-R., “Growth options value, abandonment options value, and the determinants of equity ownership position” 發表於 Academy of Management 2006 Annual Meeting, Atlanta, 2006.
Lin, S.-J. & Tang, M.-J., “Decision references under uncertainty: real options reasoning versus escalating commitment perspective” 發表於 Academy of Management 2005 Annual Meeting, Hawaii, 2005.
Lin, S.-J., “Reinvestment decision: escalating commitment or real options” 發表於Strategic Management Society’s 24th Annual International Conference, Puerto Rico, 2004.
林舒柔, “Corporate venturing investments under uncertainty: Escalating commitment versus real options” 發表於 政大全球策略論壇, 2004
2007 - 2008 職稱:長庚大學專任教師
2011 - 2019 職稱:國立臺灣師範大學專任教師
2007 - 2008 職稱:長庚大學專任教師
2011 - 2019 職稱:國立臺灣師範大學專任教師
EMBA 課程:
2007 - 2008 職稱:長庚大學專任教師
2011 - 2019 職稱:國立臺灣師範大學專任教師
2018 - 職稱:國立臺灣師範大學專任教師
- 1995 台灣經濟學會最佳碩士論文
- 2017 科技部105年吳大猷先生紀念獎
使用人基模型(Agent-based modeling)以電腦模擬的方法嘗試回答組織決策問題,包括線上社群的經營策略、組織個人決策模式在人際互動及不同環境下的績效意涵,以及不同的個人類推對策略議題診斷精準度的影響。人基模型模擬在策略管理領域是較少採用的研究方法,也因而在論文送審過程往往要面對審稿者對方法瞭解不足所產生的誤會,然而,透過此審稿過程及最後的刊登,將能對策略領域的學者釐清使用人基模型模擬作為研究工具何以突破實證資料的限制而回答傳統實證分析所無法處理的重要管理議題。
- 2005 獲國科會千里馬計劃補助,赴美國密西根州立大學進行訪問
- 2007 國科會研究計畫 (研究主題:策略性投資之資訊揭露﹔計畫編號:NSC 96-2416-H-182-012)
- 2008國科會研究計畫 (研究主題:企業創業聯盟演變﹔計畫編號:NSC 97-2410-H-182 -002 - )
- 2009國科會研究計畫 (研究主題:新創事業投資對廠商之知識創造效益﹔計畫編號:NSC 98-2410-H-182 -008 -)
- 2010國科會研究計畫 (研究主題:知識分工下的知識搜尋與技術創新﹔計畫編號:NSC 99-2410-H-182-002- )
- 2011-2012國科會研究計畫 (研究主題:有限理性下的管理決策﹔計畫編號:NSC 100-2628-H-003 -001 -MY2)
- 2013-2015科技部研究計畫 (研究主題:專業服務組織的新實務擴散﹔計畫編號: MOST 102-2628-H-003 -003 -MY3)
- 2016-2019科技部研究計畫 (研究主題:公司興業與成長﹔計畫編號: MOST 105-2628-H-003 -003 -MY3)
- 2019-2022科技部研究計畫 (研究主題:資訊不對稱、訊號與群眾募資平台﹔計畫編號: MOST 108-2410-H-003 -084 -MY3)
- 2022-2024科技部研究計畫 (研究主題:分散式意會中的組織溝通﹔計畫編號: MOST 111-2410-H-003 -043 -MY2)
2011迄今曾擔任Journal of Business Venturing, Industry and Innovation, 台大管理論叢、產業與管理等期刊之審查委員
2015 - 2018擔任組織與管理期刊之執行編輯,在任內協助總編輯推動二個專刊徵稿,並協助臺灣組織與管理學會辦理國際學術演講及工作坊
2017 擔任Computers in Human Behavior (SSCI) 期刊客座主編
代策略管理,(原著:Robert M. Grant, 2003) 科大出版社出版 (與謝凱宇合譯)
2021 黃毓雯、李巧因、林佳蓉、王恩涵 (全營所) 中山醫學大學創新創意及創業競賽第一名
2020 黃毓雯、李巧因、林佳蓉、王恩涵 (全營所) 第三屆龍騰微笑智聯網創業競賽”入圍
2018 劉津秀、王詩棋、丘彥霖、鄭絲睿(全營所)臺北醫學大學2018年生醫新創 Demo Day佳作
2016 程凱(全營所103級) “影響群眾募資成功可能性的因素”2016富邦人壽管理碩士論文獎 一般管理類 最佳實務應用獎
金澤翰及張語晴等全營所研究生9人 2021依妮化㛇品有限公司產品設計專案